
Refund Policy


1. Condition for running Courses

The offer of tuition in any module may be withdrawn and tuition cancelled if a minimum enrolment number is not reached by the closing date for application.


2. Refund upon cancellation

ALL course fees paid on enrolment for module become fully and immediately refundable if the module is withdrawn.


3. Liability for Fees

Once enrolled a student remains liable for the total fees payable. Dropping out of a course does not exonerate student from payment.


4. Drop out

Anyone wishing to drop out from a course should notify management in writing giving the reasons thereof. Depending on such reasons management will exercise its discretion to determine whether:

  1. to waive / reduce liability for unpaid fees if any
  2. to refund partly fees already settled


5. Non- Refundable payment

Subject to (2) course fees paid on enrolment are non- refundable. However request for a part refund may be considered in the following circumstances:

  1. the request for refund must be made in writing setting out the reasons thereof
  2. the request must be made within seven days following the release of exam results
  3. a minimum retention of Rs 1,000 shall apply


6. Mode of Refunds

A refund shall be effected by a crossed cheque in favour of the originator of the payment.


7. Sign off for Refunds

Any party receiving a refund shall provide to the Training Centre a statement of discharge.


8. Dispute Resolution

A dispute about refund shall be submitted to an arbitrator mutually acceptable to all parties.


Updated September 2020