
An Effective AML/CFT Risk Oversight for Directors

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Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorism Financing (TF) risks are global. To deal with these, the International Community has set up a Financial Action Task Force (FATF) with many regional groups. Mauritius being member of Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Action Group (ESAAMLAG) is regularly evaluated over its level of compliance to the FATF recommendations.



Directors have the overall responsibility of AML-CFT risk assessment, establishing a compliance culture and control environment in the organization. There can be no better starting point than understanding and supporting effectively the front liners. The objective of this training is to equip directors accordingly.

The program will benefit directors, managers and professionals who are responsible for AML-CFT risk assessment and for establishing a sound compliance culture in the organization.


Participation Fees

Rs 9,800 per delegate.
MQA Approved.

Start Time

1:30 pm


Finish Time

5:30 pm


