


Belstar Training Centre (BTC) is committed to a continuous improvement of the level of its services. This Student Charter outlines our commitment to you and also explains what we expect of you. The quality of the services which you can reasonably expect must be balanced with responsibilities you are prepared to assume.


Studying at the Belstar Training Centre

You can expect:

  • to have access at all times via our website updated information about the centre its rules and regulations as well as facilities available.


  • that we will work with you to help you develop your learning skills, recognising that this is an ongoing process.


  • that we will provide you with access to appropriate resources to enable you to complete your studies.


  • that we will support you, both academically and personally, to help you complete your studies.


  • that the teaching you receive will be evaluated and that we will review our courses and services taking account of students with a view to enhancing the quality of our provision.


  • that we will provide you with careers information, support and guidance.


  • that staff will be professional and efficient.


  • that we will seek to create and maintain an atmosphere and environment which are conducive to learning.


  • that we will provide you with clear information on fees , payment facilities and our refund and discount policy.


  • that we will treat all students equally and respect your rights.



What we expect of you:

  • that you will check your registration details and any other information requested and report any mistakes, omissions or changes immediately.


  • that you take part in any extracurricular activities organized by the centre.


  • that you take responsibility for your own learning by attending regularly, participating actively in class discussions and handing in on time any assignment.


  • that you will assist in creating and maintaining an inclusive learning environment which respects and welcomes diversity.


  • that you will comply with any requests to provide feedback through the completion of surveys and providing comments to help us to enhance our courses and services.


  • that you take responsibility for seeking any support you need.


  • that you use our facilities with respect and consideration for others.


  • that you will be courteous, efficient and behave in a professional manner.


  • that you will behave responsibly and respect other students, staff and the local community.


  • that you will familiarize yourself and comply with our rules, policies and regulations.


  • that you will pay all fees and charges due when required and that you settle any outstanding debts  prior to completing the course you have enrolled on.



What you think about your course?

  • All courses ask for your views, normally through a feedback questionnaire to be honestly completed.




 You cannot attend class?

  • Contact your Module Tutor or Director of the centre as soon as possible.



You have a problem with the way in which the course is delivered?

  • If you have a problem, you can contact your Module Tutor or the Director of the centre. It is important to tell us about any problem as soon as you can. It is often easier to deal with problems at an early stage before they snowball into complications.



You need advice about the course.

  • Your Module Tutor or the Manager can advise you on course/ module choices and other academic issues or direct you to the relevant member of staff.



What happens if you break rules?

  • You should note that there are disciplinary procedures for students who break the rules or fail to comply with instructions regarding conduct.




This Charter is not a legal document and does not affect your legal rights.
Updated in September 2020 as version 21.1.