
ACCA The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. ACCA is the number one choice for accountancy students worldwide. Start your journey today.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma


2 passes at GCE A Level / Higher School Certificate [grades A-E] + 3 passes at GCE O Level / School Certificate [grades A-C or 1-6]
(in 5 separate subjects including English and Maths


University of Local Examinations Syndicate – International Examinations:

  1. 2 Principal/A Level subjects (grades A-E) + “3 O Level Subjects (grades A-C/9-4) (in 5 separate subjects including English and Mathematics)”
  2. 1 GCE / VCE A Level pass (grades A-E) + 2 GCE / VCE AS Level (Supplementary / Subsidiary) passes (grades A-E) + 3 GCSE / Vocational GCSE / GCE O Level passes (grades 9-4 / A-C) (in 6 separate subjects including English and Mathematics)

Ordinary Technician Diploma

F1 - Business and Technology
Sundays: 08hr30 - 11hr30
F2 - Management Accounting
Saturdays: 08hr30 - 11hr30
F3 - Financial Accounting
Saturdays: 11hr30 - 14hr30
F4 - Corporate and Business Law
Saturdays: 14hr30 - 17hr30
F6 - Taxation
Sundays: 08hr30 - 11hr30
TUITION FEES per module
Self Financed Sponsored
Applied Knowledge papers (F1, F2, F3) each 7,000 7,000
Applied Skills papers ( F4 & F6) each 9,000 9,000


3.1 Payment Facilities for self financed students
Payment facilites may be considered  for those unable to settle the full fees at one go. However such facilities are subject to conditions and these should be finalised before the semester starts. For more information, please email your request to
3.2 Sponsorship
A sponsored student should in lieu of payment of tuition , attach with their enrolment form, a letter from their employer confirming the sponsorship
3.3 Bank Details for payment of Tuition Fees
All tuition Fees are payable by bank transfer /Juice into Belstar Bank Account
Account Holder: Belstar Training Centre
Bank and Branch: MCB Ltd Rose Hill
Account Number: 0000 3010  2588
Please email a screenshot of transaction to

Payment to ACCA fees

CGI Reg & Exam Fees etc Applied Knowledge Applied Skills Deadline
Registration fee  – one off £45 £45
Annual Subscription fees 2025 £137 £137
Exemption per module £86 £114 28-Apr
Exam Entry ( indicative) for June 2025 exams £122 – See note below £150


  • Business and Technology (BT), Management Accounting (MA) and Financial Accounting (FA) exams may be available as remote on-demand exams and/or at your local Computer Based Exam (CBE) centre.
  • ACCA Fees for remote on-demand exams is reflected above.
  • Belstar is finalising an arrangement with a Computer Based Exam (CBE) centre and information on the fee will be communicated shortly.

1. What Module shall I start with?

Depending on your entry requirements, we recommend that you start with the Applied Knowledge papers. Some students opt to do all three Applied Knowledge papers at one sitting. However, depending on your work or other commitments, you may choose to do at least anyone of them.

2. How to register with ACCA, renew membership or pay Exam/Exemption Fees?

You can do it online directly on ACCA website using a credit card.

3. Assistance from Belstar

Belstar can assist you in multiple ways:

  1. Application for Exemption;
  2. Authentication of documents for ACCA;
  3. Registration and Exam Entry with ACCA;
  4. Arranging for placement;
  5. Acquiring your study texts.

4. Does Belstar provide study text?

Courses will be based on BPP texts.

Belstar does not provide study texts but can assist you for purchasing soft copies of these from  The current cost is shown  below.

You may contact for assistance.

Paper Publisher Price for bundle ( Course Book & Exam Kit)
Applied Skills BPP GBP 20
Applied Knowledge BPP GBP 20

5. Are fees paid to Belstar refundable in case of drop out?

Those awaiting HSC results may enrol provisionally.

Please refer to

6. Does Belstar cater for online sessions for the provision of the course?

Courses are designed for a mixture of online and face to face delivery.

Tutors will provide more details.

7. Is Belstar adequately equipped for promoting social distancing?

Belstar is adequately equipped to adhere to any protocol set up by the authorities.

8. Are there any special requirements for studying for ACCA ?

Yes, there are many. the most important ones being:

(i) Ability to create time for studying arduously.

(ii) Since exams are computer based , proficiency with your keyboard is an advantage.

Lack of keyboarding skills definitely impacts examination performance

For additional info please call 4675917 or email