
Complaints Procedures


While striving as best as we can to deliver what we promise, we do realise that some shortcoming may have inadvertently escaped our scrutiny.

Where expectations of students in respect of the organisation of their courses or the facilities available are not met to their full satisfaction, students have a duty to report to management the matter in order that corrective action, if any be applied without delay.

Complaints can be communicated in confidence to the Manager or to any senior staff designated for that purpose. You may be requested to convey your complaints in writing particularly if the matter calls for further investigation.


1. Undertaking

We undertake to treat each complaint with fairness in full respect of the complainant’s rights to seek redress. We promise to investigate all complaints thoroughly to assess the validity thereof before taking any decision as to the required course of action.


2. Method

Complaints shall be investigated by a senior tutor not involved in any way with the complaint and the results of the investigation shall be remitted to the Manager.

Where the nature of the complaint so justifies, Management may resort to an independent third party to conduct the investigation. Within three weeks of lodging the complaint, the complainant will be informed whether same is valid or not.


3. Validity of Complaints

A complainant will be informed in writing whether his complaint is valid or invalid.


4. Addressing a valid complaint

Where a complaint is deemed valid, the complainant will receive proposals for corrective action. He shall after corrective action being taken, confirm the complaint has been addressed to his satisfaction.


5. Referring to the regulator

A compliant will be referred in writing to the regulator MQA or TEC with copy to the complainant under the following conditions.

Whenever a complainant decides to:

  • reject the conclusion that a compliant is invalid;
  • reject proposed corrective action for a valid complaint;
  • is unsatisfied with corrective action taken to address a valid complaint.


Updated September 2020